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Chemical Peels (less than 30%)
A chemical peel is designed to exfoliate or remove the outer layers of the skin. The outcome of this treatment is individual to the client and is dependent on your participation in the pre and post treatment guidelines.
Pre-Treatment Instructions:
• Absolutely do not go to a tanning salon for at least 3 weeks before or after a treatment.
• Discontinue use of Retin-A, Renova, Differin or any derivative of Vitamin A for 5 days before and after your treatment.
Post-Treatment Instructions:
• Most patients who undergo these treatments have minimal redness for 1-12 hours. Due to the nature of these treatments, you may experience light flaking for a couple of days. Your skin may feel tight and dry. Apply moisturizer as frequently as needed.
• Unless recommended by your technician, do not apply topical medications, AHA or BHA products to the area for 5-7 days after your treatment, as they may be irritating.
• It is recommended that you do not apply makeup the day of your treatment. It is ideal to allow the skin to stabilize and rest overnight. Makeup can be applied if necessary.
• Follow your appropriate home care regimen as directed by your technician. Avoid direct sun exposure and excessive heat for at least 7 days (getting overheated internally can cause hyperpigmentation). Always use sunscreen/sunblock for your protection. Do not pick or pull at any loose skin, as this can cause hyperpigmentation or scarring.
• Do not have electrolysis, use chemical depilatories or wax the treated area for at least 7 days.
For the next 2 days:
• Do not apply ice or ice water to the treated areas. Vinegar soaks may be used if needed.
• Do not put the face directly into a hot shower spray. Do not use a steam room, Jacuzzi, or sauna.
• Do not go swimming.
• Do not participate in activities that would cause excessive perspiration.
• Do not use a Buff-Puff or other means of mechanical exfoliation.
• Do not direct a hair dryer onto treated areas.
Name (print): _______________________________________
Date: ______________________________________________
Contraindications for Chemical Peels
Please read and confirm the below.
Certain medications must be discontinued at least five days before a chemical peel and five days after a chemical peel, according to the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. These medications include Trentinoin, Renova, Tazorac, EpiDuo, Retin-A, Differin, Avage and Ziana.
Pregnant women should avoid getting a chemical peel. Women who are lactating should also avoid getting a chemical peel. Salicylic acid is a chemical used in some chemical peels and it can be harmful to the pregnancy as well as to the unborn child. This chemical has been shown to cause various pregnancy complications and birth defects when taken orally in large amounts, according to the website Baby Center. Having a strong body or face peel containing this chemical can result in the salicylic acid soaking into the skin; results are similar to consuming at least one or more aspirin during pregnancy, according to Baby Center.
Active Herpes Lesions
Active herpes lesions are the lesions present when a herpes outbreak is occurring. Herpes is a a virus that is incurable, but controllable with antiviral medications for most patients. The lesions can appear on the mouth, vagina, anus, penis, urethra or cervix. A chemical peel can cause herpetic activation, according to The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston. If an outbreak of herpes lesions does occur, acyclovir--a medication used to treat herpes simplex outbreaks--can be used to help treat the lesions and prevent scarring.
Cotton Blossom reserves the right to refuse treatment of a client with a history of active herpes lesions.
Name (print): ________________________